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Nancy Sack is an educator, a literacy volunteer, a writer, and a photographer. She has two books of poetry published.

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I had a lovely Mother's Day with my two children, Maggie and Eddie, when I was thinking about the poem, Life, I wrote for my daughter on her 21st birthday, five years ago. Its meaning, to cherish one another and hold fast to love, is what got us through some difficult times in our lives. Love must prevail or we will perish.

A Poem …


. . . life can be so beautiful
in the moments . . .

. . . when you have no answers,
but beauty and brokenness
that caress
the intimate details
of lives intertwined
with genuine kindness
that reaches far within
the marrow of the bones
that seeks
to dance
to interlace
to live
in the beauty
of the moment . . . .