Teaching really isn’t about the paycheck.  It’s about changing lives, building futures, and creating leaders.

Being a teacher can be overwhelming and exhausting at times especially if you teach from your heart and soul.  Many students will fight you tooth and nail about every paper, every test, and every assignment.

Food for thought: Appreciation and gratitude go a long way.

What inspires me to teach year after year? These two simple words, Thank You!
At the end of each year, two or three students either apologize for their misbehavior or they thank me for all of my hard work.

Food for thought: Appreciation and gratitude go a long way.
There are millions of teachers around the world that really care about their craft and how effective they are at implementing it.  I always tell people that I teach to the student and not the subject.  Since I am an English teacher, my primary job is to focus on reading, spelling, and grammar.  That being said, I am willing to put a perfect grammar lesson aside in order to motivate a student about life and goals.  At the end of the day, it’s their heart that we are after.
If you are a teacher, mentor, pastor, counselor or tutor, please use every moment as a teaching moment.  If we work together, we can change one mind at a time!

Taneeka Bourgeois-daSilva
Taneeka Bourgeois-daSilva is a new mom, wife, teacher, writer, blogger, and entrepreneur. She is the author of the new children’s book series, Little Kids, Big Voices. Her first book, Broccoli Chronicles has been selected as a finalist in Foreword Reviews’ 2014 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards! Learn more about Taneeka!