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John Wright is a Co-Founder of CWG and an architectural designer by profession; his other creative passions include poetry and songwriting.

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A friend of mine from Lake Tahoe, McAvoy Layne asked that I compose a poem for these troubled times. Our nation’s integrated collaborative resolve based on an irreducible set of shared values will see that we prevail over any challenges that may come our way.
Mortality’s Chill

A Poem…

Fear and isolation haunt now empty streets
The spiral of chaos has challenged strong wills
A killer in silence has risen unseen
Yet all will not bow to Mortality’s Chill

The spreading contagion spares no one its grip
Sequestering families cling each night to news
The children ask questions parents can’t answer
Restless sleep plagues the dreams that offer no clues

Still faith and commitment stir deeply the souls
Of thousands who rise up, those old and those young
Fear they surrender to noble ambitions
To help save the parents, our daughters and sons

Put aside those ideas of religion and culture
That yield to suspicions that keep us apart
Health care providers, our soldiers and neighbors
Volunteers of America, held close to our hearts

Politicians will pander to our baser instincts
Disguising intentions beneath words that sway
The public’s opinions and force them to take sides
Yet the fog of their words wins not these dark days

Mortality’s Chill has not mounted the throne
Generosity’s bounty rises above
Sacrifice and hard work, true natures revealed
The power of people through faith, hope, and love

Spring is upon us, the warm breezes beckon
To lift every spirit, to chase clouds away
In endless profusion new life emerges
Humanity triumphs, Death’s specter at bay

In spite of the horror that can’t be denied
The outpouring of love across our dear land
Shields me from raw anger and steels my resolve
With all those who serve, I’m honored to stand